Friday 18 May 2012

Starbucks Happy Hour

Caramel Frappuccino @ Starbucks
From May 4th to the 13th, Starbucks had happy hour from 3pm to 5pm everyday.
All of the frappuccino's were half price.
I had so many frapps. I got to try many new flavours so I would like to share my experience with you :)

On Sunday I had the caramel frappuccino.
It is coffee blended with caramel sauce, milk and ice.  It is topped with whipped cream and caramel sauce.   This is the perfect combination in a frappuccino.

It is a very popular drink.  The caramel gives it a very distinct buttery sweetness.  The fluffy swirl of whipped cream adds just the right touch of decandence.  It is tough to beat by far.  I enjoyed it a lot!

For all the caramel lovers out there, this is the drink to have!

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